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ID: 4880
Icon quest commonLuck for Hire


  • XP 740
  • Coins Bronze89

Start NPC: Visanas
Quest stages:
Activate Lucky Statue Game for Visanas.

  • Activate the Lucky Statue Game (1)

Speak with Visanas on the west side of the Sanctia Oasis.

  • Chat with Visanas

End NPC: Visanas

Quest text:
Visanas: Now, I need a favor. Player, lend me your luck. I need you to pull the Lucky Statue Game lever for me.
Owner Nandita: Visanas... I know I run this game, and of course I want your money, but don't you think you've spent enough on it?
Owner Nandita: The payouts aren't worth it unless you hit a jackpot--I know a huge win is tempting, but I have to admit, it's very unlikely.
Visanas: I'll make the bet, you pull the lever. This is a huge opportunity; your luck could change everything for me!
Visanas: Argh!
Visanas: Really? But that's not possible! I've lost everything I have... again!
Owner Nandita: Sorry, but rules are rules. Hand over the bet! Player, remember this well: the god of luck is nothing if not fickle.
